Center for Policy Analysis and Advocacy (CPAA)

Let policy work for people

Center for Policy Analysis and Advocacy (CPAA) is a non-political and not-for-profit organization. The motto of the CPPA is ‘let policy work for people.’ The establishment of CPAA was warranted by the fact that the global, regional and national contexts are rapidly changing, impacting people’s lives. Countries from the Global South need proper analysis of the contexts and conditions to adopt appropriate policies. As an emerging country in South Asia, Bangladesh requires objective policy perspectives to withstand the challenges stemming from the shifts and changes. CPAA is dedicated to bringing out the critical analysis of ground realities, both national and international, to influence the shaping of policies to uphold the interests of the general people. In doing so, it advocates for using evidence and ensuring the engagement of different stakeholders in policymaking processes. Although the primary focus of CPAA is to devote itself to working on national issues, it takes a deep interest in contributing to regional and international agendas. CPAA partners and collaborates with different research, development, and advocacy groups and organizations to advance public interests in policies and governance.

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CPAA is steered by a board of trustees, and researchers and professionals play pivotal roles in its different working areas. It also partners with international professionals, academics, and researchers of Bangladesh origin who are living and working abroad.

Working areas

CPAA deals with the following working areas to achieve its goal. Each component engages a group of dedicated researchers and professionals.


A global influence

Helping countries learn from other

Our network of policymakers, government leaders, public officials and practitioners reaches worldwide.

Our research looks at solutions wherever they are found, adding to the growing body of knowledge on what contributes to good government. We teach and partner with those who want to bring solutions to their own communities.


Our worldwide alumni and executive alumni


Our worldwide alumni and executive alumni